This month, we’re delighted to feature Sarah Kramer, our Director of Human Resources, who plays a pivotal role in enhancing the HR services at Total Solutions. With her extensive expertise and a strong passion for employee development, Sarah has been instrumental in driving innovative solutions within our HR department. Let’s delve into her approach and personal interests that make her such an asset to our team.

Innovative Ideas: What new service or product would you introduce at Total Solutions, and why?

Sarah: To further improve HR services at Total Solutions, I’d introduce professional development training. Given the consistent inquiries from clients, it’s clear there’s a substantial need. Previously, we outsourced this training, but developing an in-house program would allow us to tailor our offerings more closely to client requirements, substantially enhancing our service portfolio.

Role Swap: If you could swap roles with anyone at Total Solutions for a week, who would it be and why?

Sarah: I would choose Deb, our PEO Relationship Manager. The swap would not only enrich my understanding but also help me explore new ways to enhance our HR services at Total Solutions. Direct engagement with clients would provide deeper insights into their experiences and needs, further informing our strategic approach.

Voice to the World: If you were to host a podcast episode related to your work, what would it be about?

Sarah: It would be exciting to host a podcast on the evolving role of HR in business success. I’d discuss the latest trends and challenges in HR, providing listeners with valuable insights into modern HR practices and how they can be applied to improve workplace environments.

Dream Weekend: Describe your perfect weekend if money and obligations weren’t a factor.

Sarah: Ideally, it would be a two-week escape to a sunny beach destination. The idea of unwinding under the sun and enjoying the serene environment sounds like the perfect way to recharge.

Comfort Food: What’s your ultimate comfort food, and where do you get it?

Sarah: My go-to comfort food is steak and mashed potatoes, which I usually make at home. It’s a meal that always fills me with warmth and satisfaction.

Sarah Kramer is an integral part of our team, significantly impacting how HR services at Total Solutions are perceived and delivered. Her dedication to fostering a culture of growth and excellence is evident in every initiative she leads. If you’re interested in working with Sarah and experiencing the innovative HR solutions at Total Solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Explore how our HR services can transform your business.