Our next employee spotlight is our Marketing Coordinator Rachel Vickers! Rachel joined Total Solutions in May of 2019 and has been a key asset to the success of Total Solutions and the success of our clients. With an eye for design Rachel has used to her skills to provide high-quality work for so many businesses in the Quad Cities. Keep reading to learn more about Rachel!

Favorite part of working at Total Solutions?

This office is such an amazing environment. There’s so much trust in us to take care of our own work without being hovered over. It encourages personal responsibility and makes us feel more like a team working towards a goal.

What Total Solutions client do you think everyone should visit?

Quad City Animal Welfare Center in Milan! Go adopt a furry friend!

What would you be doing for a career if you weren’t doing your job?

Well, for a while I was a professional Opera Singer, so I’d probably either be traveling around singing, or teaching full-time at a college.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I’m a big tabletop gamer. I love board games and am lucky enough to have great friends who play with me. I love that we’re accomplishing something, talking to each other, and having fun all at the same time.

What is one thing you can’t live without?

Air conditioning. I will always choose to be freezing rather than hot. Throw me into a snowstorm and I’ll make it work.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Imagine other people complexly

If you could have dinner with any 3 people dead or alive who would you choose?

Dolly Parton, Jim Henson, and Guillermo del Torro. I would love to hear Henson & del Torro talk about creature design, and Dolly is the most delightful person on the planet, so she would bring the event together and make sure everyone had a good time.